Top 10 Gifts for the Ultimate Foodie
Whether they strive for healthy habits or guilty pleasures, one thing’s for sure: college kids love …
Whether they strive for healthy habits or guilty pleasures, one thing’s for sure: college kids love …
There are four reasons why most people watch the Super Bowl: 1. To be that guy who is able to …
I know what you’re thinking because I thought the same. Do we really have to do internships and have …
Fall is here and you never know what the semester holds this time around. You can say goodbye to …
I came back to college apprehensively. It was August, and I had a car that barely worked and friends …
Coming into college, I convinced myself that making friends would be a breeze. After all, with 2,000 …
Do you uphold the reputation of being the one always walking across campus with your headphones on? …
Going to college when you’re under 21 can feel like living on the cusp of something bigger. You long …
Instagram and NYC go hand in hand like tomato sauce and pizza (one of NYC’s main dishes, really). No …
Libraries can seem dull, dusty and unnecessary—especially when you can stay home and use your handy …
Before long, you’ll be a month into summer and realize cat-naps completely summarize your first …
Nobody’s perfect. But when you’re surrounded by academic superstars and Kate Upton …
Call in the paparazzi: It’s career fair day, and YOU are the star. Take it all in. The …
The first time I became acquainted with Tinder, my friend waved her phone in my face and asked me to …
To some students, the very idea of showing up to class in person feels a little surreal. After years …
Whether or not you and your roommate are best friends and attached at the hip, or just tolerate each …
“She’s in my lap!” I mentally screech as the fluffiest kitten wiggles into a ball …
A major that offers a course in Backpacking, Rock Climbing and Outdoor Adventure Education? Our …
Have you ever lost yourself in the nostalgia of 90s Disney films and television shows? Can you …
Good-bye finals, homework and stress acne. Hello, summer! Time to kick back and unwind. Time to …
Alarm goes off. Roll over. Groan. Hit snooze for the next hour. Wake up, freak out and run out the …
When it comes to journalism (and hot guys), the University of Florida is among the highest ranked in …
When the second half of your junior year happens to fall during a global pandemic, what else do you …
To my dearest Classics final paper and exam, This all began when I discovered a new fondness for the …