Let’s face it, it gets tough having a significant other in college. Between focusing on grades, extracurricular clubs, internships or all of the above, when do you get to enjoy your relationship? While you spend most of your time struggling through your academics, you still deserve some TLC from your significant other. But…where do you get your cuddle on when living in a dorm room with your roommate four feet away?
Check out how to defeat the impossible and start spooning while living on campus.
Some Dorm Action

If you live in a dorm you probably sleep in a twin XL bed each night. The XL stands for extra-long. With two people sharing it, you feel way too crammed. If only a twin XW or extra wide existed.
I try to give my man as much room as possible, seeing that he’s my guest. Being squished against the guard rail all night makes it worth it. We’re forced to spoon all night due to the lack of room, which I guess I can’t complain about. You won’t mind some squishiness if it means cuddling your beau. “I would usually cuddle until 3 a.m. while also trying to sleep. Eventually, the heat would be too much. I almost always went to my own room so I could finally get some sleep,” University of Colorado senior Nick Bigelow said. The heat can sometimes really get to you, especially if you suffer the unfortunate fate so many other residential life students do: no air conditioning (cringe).
A Breath of Fresh Air

A good substitute for the hot, sticky, crowded dorms? Go outside and breathe in that fresh college campus air. Grab your lover’s hand and take a walk. Explore the campus together, find a bench in the sun and catch some quality time. “I took my boyfriend on a tour around the campus because he’s never seen it before. He was really fascinated by the view, so we sat on the grass and watched the sunset together. It was beautiful, a memory that I’ll never forget,” University of California Los Angeles junior Maura Callinan said. The true key? Simplicity. Create your own romantic opportunity by finding a patch of grass or walking to a nearby park with hands intertwined. Hey, we don’t judge. Bring a blanket and get your spoon on.
Study “Dates”

As college pros, we’ve picked up some secrets to time management along the way. I myself am far from a college-pro. For the typical procrastinator like me, I consider killing two birds with one stone very beneficial. Get proactive with a study date. Campus libraries often have couches, study carrels desks and private study rooms. If you and your study date can find one of those, you’re golden. You can even reserve one for an hour at most schools. Hit the books and take a study break with your person.
Adventure in the City

You may not think this, but a concert will be intimate for you and your partner Through the dark, crowded venue, everyone pays attention to the artist. EDM concerts offer the most darkness and privacy. Take advantage of the elements and get sexy. You can stand in front of or behind your partner. Either way, you’ll have access to some butt grabbing, waste holding and grinding. A little PDA never hurt anyone. For those of us 21 and above, comedy clubs and bars also do the trick. Lean back, have a drink and enjoy your lover’s presence.
Avoid Familiar Faces

On the contrary, small rural towns may not offer concerts or bars. Just getting away you’re your peers helps you escape. “It’s nice to go to an area where we don’t know anyone. Even if we’re just grabbing a bite to eat or going for a drive… Just somewhere a little different to have fun and experience new things,” Boise State University junior Maegan Matheson said. Try out a new restaurant off-campus or visit a town you’ve never visited before. For those in a more rural town, discover an open field to looking at the stars. The privacy can lead to a steamy make-out session, and who doesn’t love those?