Former Stanford student, Snapchat CEO Even Spiegel, ("Bad Student" of the week) has seriously embarrassed himself. Oh yeah, Stanford's pretty embarrssed too.
Stanford's provost, John Etchemendy, condemns the emails Spiegel sent to fellow fraternity brothers, calling them "abhorrent." In his email to Stanford undergraduates, he takes this opportunity to address the recipients, those who passively let the emails continue. He asks students to see this embarrassing situation as a learning opportunity—a reminder to make their voices heard and stand up for what is right.
"There will always be members of the Stanford community who arrive here without the maturity to recognize the corrosive effect of crude or hateful language, and the attitudes that give rise to it, on a community like Stanford based on mutual respect,” writes Etchemendy.
Read the full email below or on Huffington Post.