When it comes to the summertime, one of the many things you should worry about involves compiling the best music playlist out of all your friends. Not to make this a competition but when everyone prefers you to play your playlist on the aux, it makes you feel like the baddie of your friend group. What a compliment to know that you play the best music that all your friends enjoy. Music can make or break a trip or even a house party. It can break that euphoric feeling of being drunk in the hot sun while dancing with your friends. That’s why you need to know what fits the perfect summer vibe.
These songs on your playlist will keep you feeling the highs that summer always provides.
1. “Levitating” by Dua Lipa

This entire album screams summer fun. The majority of songs on this album you can dance to and just enjoy the moment. Dua Lipa knows how to throw a party. She knows how to make it come alive and make it pop. Anyone sitting down will get back up on their feet and will immediately want to start dancing again. Once you play this song, everyone will show a huge smile on their face because this song just brings the sparkle and moves out of everyone. This song brings a great beat and entertaining lyrics for people to sing along to. You just can’t go wrong with playing this or any other song from this album.
“I know as soon as this song comes on, my friends and I are on the floor dancing, even if it’s not a dance floor. It’s just one of those songs you can’t help but move to,” University of Kentucky sophomore Chloe Marcus said.
This song, in my opinion, deserves everyone’s recognition. It also deserves the respect of being on every playlist for the summer. It reminds me of those nights when you just can’t stop dancing with your friends or partner. Those fun nights where you just don’t have a care in the world and you never want it to end.
2. “STAY” by Kid Laroi ft. Justin Bieber

Bieber as an artist always knows how to make music for people of all ages. As a new artist, Kid Laroi continues to learn the ins and outs of producing music that people can enjoy anywhere they choose. These two somewhat similar artists created a summer single that everyone can jump up and down to. Even though this song talks about relationships and begging someone to stay, the chorus and the beat drop don’t reflect the lyrics. Instead, they take you to a whole other place of elation. Just by listening to this song you’ll receive such an adrenaline rush that you can’t help but go a little crazy.
“I’ve loved Justin for so long honestly. This song showcases his talent so well and it’s also one that I put on every time I feel the need to dance if I’m super excited,” University of Kentucky senior Katarina Lopez said.
Don’t worry, this song will transform your mind and body for the better. This song gives you Coachella vibes without the need of going broke trying to get to Coachella. You can jam to this song in your room by yourself, with friends, or scream it with the windows down on your way to the next party. Any way that you listen to it, just ready yourself to get excited.
3. “Solar Power” by Lorde

When I first heard this song, I immediately thought of summer. With lyrics like “but when the heat comes, something takes ahold can I kick it? Yes, I can,” after talking about how much she hates the winter in the previous lines, it can’t get more relatable. With this song playing loudly on the speakers, you can shout from the rooftops that you can’t wait for summer. This song gets you in the perfect mood for you and your friends to get ready and live out the best summer this year will offer. You can use it to get you in the mood for the rest of your day or on a midday drive for whatever adventure you guys planned to do that day.
“This song makes me feel like I’m a hippie back in the 70s living the van life I was meant to live and like I’m about to have, not only the best day ever, but the best summer ever,” University of Kentucky sophomore Michelle Little said.
Lorde as an artist knows what it means to put out a summer smash hit. She did it twice before with her songs “Greenlight” and “Royals.” So, its not a surprise at all as to why she made the cut. But out of all three songs, I believe “Solar Power” ranks highest in summertime vibes. Once you listen to it, you can feel the sun on your skin, the warm breeze in your hair and the sand between your toes (hypothetically for those with no summer beach plans). Its a song that just radiates the peace of knowing how much fun you will experience the next few months.
4. “Watermelon Sugar” by Harry Styles

How shocking would it sound to claim a song, “top summer song” two years in a row? Absolutely not that shocking because this one deserves to never die as the ultimate summer song. Styles knew exactly what he did when he added fruits and sexy talk all into one banger. Putting two things that people love together with the light-hearted, jazzy/pop beat created a song that makes you want to go to the beach and proceed to dance with the first person you see. It creates this energetic, wild feeling that only the summer sun and good music put together can provide. Nothing can go wrong by adding this song to your summer playlist.
“I was on Twitter when I saw everyone talking about this song. When I listened to it the first time, I was shocked because I couldn’t believe how much I liked it and how much I wanted to listen to it repeatedly,” University of Kentucky freshman Ariel Hicks said.
People started taking Styles more seriously as an artist after this single. It blew up to the point where people knew about it but didn’t know who made it. They were shocked, like Ariel Hicks, because they didn’t expect this from the former boyband member. If your playlist doesn’t include this song, someone just might ask you to add it because of how darn good it makes people feel.
5. “Heat Waves” by Glass Animals

Compared to the other songs on this list, consider this the most lowkey song of them all, instrumental wise. However, don’t mistake that for it not being just as much of a bop as the rest of these songs. Hitting on the more EDM/Rock genre, this song brings more of a chill vibe. However, if someone wants to dance, you absolutely can because of how contagious of a beat the song provides. So much so that people will get up to join you with the right vibes this song creates. Otherwise, you can sit and sip on your drink while dancing in your seat because this song keeps the groove and the vibes going no matter if you choose to sit or dance. Either way, the duality of this song being a Grammy nominee as well as giving one of the best low-key summer vibes makes it stand out. It brings a beat that just allows you to enjoy your surroundings, which showcases why it deserves a spot on your playlist this summer.
“I don’t usually listen to artists like Glass Animals but it was on my friend’s playlist and when it played I found myself enjoying it way more than I expected,” University of Kentucky junior Tracie Vance said.
I am not the biggest fan of Glass Animals simply because I’m not drawn to their music. A family member introduced me to this song and the next thing I knew, I couldn’t stop singing it in my head. Now I play it every chance I get while I’m in the car. I even hope that it will get played when I’m out enjoying a good time. Just hearing it puts me in an even better mood. It doesn’t get much better than that and you can’t ask for much more when it comes to a song like this.
6. “Kiss Me More” by Doja Cat ft. SZA

I don’t think people realize we needed a song like this. It gets everyone within earshot hyped up whenever it comes on. I’m not surprised that it won the Grammy it got nominated for this year. Listening to this song feels as if the party just won’t stop with its captivating and enticing chorus. Everyone knows the trend of hot girl summer and it won’t go away any time soon with songs like this. This upbeat R&B/Pop song puts everyone in the mood to get down and boogie.
“My friends and I love to dance to this song. We’re all so close as well so if we want to bump booties or get a little closer than normal, we don’t care! This song puts all of us in the best mood,” University of Kentucky junior Lauren King said.
I also like that this song relates to everyone because it just makes it ten times better. You and your friends can relate to the lyrics because you guys will “have nothing to lose” this summer as the song mentions. Use this song to just spread the love and happiness that summer brings to everyone. I’m sure these artists want everyone to just take the joy in when this comes on. When it comes to appreciating a good time, you just can’t go wrong with this song in your rotation.
7. “Have Mercy” by Chloe Bailey

Speaking of hot girl summer, this song belongs to the girls that gained the booties and spent the needed time getting ready for the summer in the gym. I mean starting a song off with, “Booty so big, Lord have mercy!” sets the precedent for what type of song you will endure and what dancing shoes you’ll need as it continues to play. Let me tell you, this song will keep the party jumping. Not only does Bailey kill it with her angelic high notes and vocals but the beat she uses brings everyone to their feet ready to show off their best dance moves.
“I shake my butt to this song, no lie. That’s what this song brings out in me, I like to drop it like it’s hot and just enjoy myself and who I am when this song comes on,” University of Kentucky senior Raquel Warren said.
Whether your butt shakes or you somehow end up in the middle of a dance circle, people will want to show off their moves when this song plays. This song brings a lot of variety to your playlist as well if you want something different. Add this to your playlist because as soon as you hear that beat, you’ll want to bop and grind no matter your mood. Your friends will also ask you for references once they hear how sick of a beat the song uses.
8. “Best Friends” by Saweetie ft. Doja Cat

Friends can make or break summer. When I think of summer with my friends, I think of going out to brunch with them and finally eating outside with the warmth of the sun beaming down on us. All the things that we could do together just run through my mind persistently. But this song, we can listen to it together and it will always put us in high spirits no matter what. This song screams hype song of the summer for the closest of friends.
“My best friend and I know every lyric to this song. The first time we heard it in the car we were so hyped that we had to listen to it a second time just to release the rest of the energy that the song gave us,” University of Kentucky junior Chantelle Reece said.
When it comes to this song, the lyrics bring the most flavor to it. This song will get stuck in your head and you can’t get mad at it. Honestly, you could not find a more perfect hype song for you and your best friend to get ready for whatever the day brings. It makes you feel unstoppable and on top of the world. Introduce your bestie to this song and I promise it will change their life.
9. “That’s What I Want” by Lil Nas X

We all know that people enjoy summer the most out of all the seasons. That does not mean that it comes without heartbreak. The great thing about summer heartbreak, you can drink your worries away and hook up with any person you want to get over your ex. Hence why this song made a spot on this list. I mean, can you call it summer without relationship drama? Probably, but then we wouldn’t get amazing songs like this one.
“I enjoy just screaming this song at the top of my lungs because who doesn’t want someone to just love them? Plus, the song is catchy and that always helps,” University of Kentucky senior Alexis Reynolds said.
With its heavy pop and hip-hop undertone, it gives you everything you could want as an anthem. I know that I love shouting out the lyrics to any type of love anthem, doesn’t matter if they talk about heartbreak or being with the love of their lives. If I can pretend that I’m going through the same thing the artist talks about then they did their job. Now we can do our jobs and act like fools and pretend that we need something we may or may not possess. Overall, this song gives some of the best “I need love” vibes that most of us feel when we just want someone to hold in the heat.
10. “Skate” by Silk Sonic

I don’t even know where to start with this iconic song. I believe that most people, if not everyone, continue to sleep on how wonderful of a song these artists produced. Since being a kid, I occasionally thought about going roller-skating but never enough to do it again. Even as a new trend began, I still didn’t think to go out and try roller-skating again. Yet, as soon as I heard this song I went online with the biggest urge to buy the next pair of roller-skates I could afford just for this song.
“This song has such a good beat to it, I love all the instruments and it just makes you feel good about yourself. No matter who you are, they make you feel like the superstar you always see in yourself,” University of Kentucky freshman Mia Ricci said.
This modern jazz style that four time Grammy award winners Silk Sonic created set the standard for any artists that want to try and replicate the sound they constructed. When you play this song your ears will fill with a plethora of instruments from piano, to drums, to saxophone and more. The funky feeling that they fabricated through their instruments will continue to flow through your body. Soon you’ll realize that you should always keep this song in your arsenal. You can’t go wrong when playing a Bruno Mars song. Bring Anderson .Paak into it and they will take you to a different universe this summer, one you never even knew existed.
College Magazine does not condone underage drinking.