The scariest part about college is how fast it goes by once you’re there. Attending Temple is a privilege; not only is it a great school but it’s in a beautiful city. With less than two years left here I am slowly beginning to realize there is still so much I want to do, like explore more parts of the city, discover new restaurants and find my truly favorite spot on campus. There are still memories to be made, so why not map it all out?
1. Tailgate a Football Game

This one I am happy to say I have done (multiple times) and is definitely part of the “college experience.” The energy from a football game is unparalleled and the tailgate really is half the fun. Sure, drinking and eating in a parking lot might seem like no big deal, but try it out dressed head to toe in your school’s apparel among hundreds of people rooting on the same team. Just try not to forget about the actual game.
2. Eat at Every Food Truck on Campus

Temple is famous for their food trucks. Whether it’s Insomnia or the Creperie, those trucks are a blessing to every college student who needs a break from standard food from Sodexo. Food trucks should be on every prospective student’s “pro” column when deciding on a school.
3. Be a Part of a Temple Made Ad Campaign

I am such a sucker for the “Temple Made” campaign and get excited whenever it comes on. The entire campaign concentrates on Temple students being one step ahead and how living in Philly defines us. The only thing cooler than watching it would be starring in it.
4. Befriend a Professor

This is something that everyone should do because professors are a great source of wisdom and networking opportunities. I am the worst when it comes to reaching out to professors, but it’s important to have at least one professor you are close with by the time graduation rolls around. You never know when you’ll need a last minute letter of recommendation or advice about a career opportunity.
5. Study Abroad

Temple has an amazing study abroad program, especially if you are in the School of Media and Communication. There are few times in life where you have the opportunity to pack your bags and move to another country for five months. With scholarships and options ranging from Japan to Italy to South Africa, everyone should experience living in another country.
6. Take a Picture With Hooter (Or Stella)

Hooter is the man and anyone who says differently is living life wrong. And now that Stella is a superstar who also had a spot in a Super Bowl commercial, who wouldn’t want to have their picture taken with her?
7. Get a Temple “T” Flag

Rumor has it Temple changes out their red “T” flags every semester. I will not graduate until I have one hanging in my room.
8. Bar Hop Throughout Philly

College parties are the wild, wild west and nothing can compare to them. Whether it’s a house party, a frat or a small kickback with friends, they are never boring. But it would be a shame to graduate without appreciating the nightlife in Philly, especially the bar scene. When the big 21 rolls around, it’s goodbye North Philly, hello Center City.
9. Take an Exercise Class… For Credit

Gymnastics. Yoga. Personal Defense. You name it, Temple has it. These courses filed under Kinesiology are offered to students for credit and definitely should not be passed up. Scuba diving or adventure climbing might not help you in your major of choice, but it doesn’t hurt to take a course just for fun.
10. Be Able To Say “Temple University Is My Alma Mater”

While the point of attending college is receiving a diploma, the other benefits to those four (or five) years are endless. The relationships made, lessons learned and memories often teach you more than a course ever will. I look forward to the day I can walk across that stage and move my tassel knowing I had the time of my life at the best university.