Welcome to Philadelphia, home of the “Diversity University.” At our school, there’s no “typical student.” In fact, atypical seems to be the norm. With a staggering number of international and out-of-state students comes an interesting mix of ethnicity, culture and personality. Even so, some personalities seem to prevail on campus every semester.
1. The Over Enthusiastic Freshman

You can’t miss the student decorated with a bright lanyard or rocking leggings and an oversized sweatshirt in class. Somebody help this girl. Once classes start, you can see her wandering around campus walking in circles trying to differentiate between Ritter Hall and Ritter Annex. Once nighttime comes, groups of ten or more can be spotted trying to find the best and most welcoming party.
2. The Artsy Student

With the Tyler School of Art nestled on campus, an art student is easy to spot. Let me paint you a picture. If he’s not wandering about his second home, you can find him at the coffee truck next to Tyler sipping an Americano. Not only is Tyler prestigious, but it’s exclusive. The same air of sophistication accompanies the artsy student as he strides through campus boasting his portfolio. You wish you could sprawl out on Beury to work on a piece and look that cool. The art student might think he’s better than you, but to be fair, in the art world he probably is.
3. The Hipster

The hipster on campus rarely flies under the radar as a result of her oversized glasses and equally oversized coffee. She prides herself so much on being the opposite of the mainstream that she ironically forms a new mainstream. She might laugh off the insignificance of Greek life with her laundry list of criticisms about the university. Football and basketball are irrelevant to her; she would rather spend her time in Narnia. Any “basic behavior” is purely ironic. Just scroll through her Instagram and see how many captions contain the word “obligatory.” Even an obligatory selfie is still a selfie, my friend.
4. The Work Hard Play Hard

Four words: Fox School of Business. This student is highly ambitious and cares too much about his GPA, yet doesn’t mind getting wasted every weekend. He has no problem pulling an all-nighter in the Tech Center and then hosting a party later that night at his frat house. Fox isn’t necessarily his school of choice, but Fox seems to breed work hard play hard students. Combine confidence and fun and you get a student who can network in any situation: day or night.
5. The Pure Partier

In contrast to the “work hard, play hard” student, this student often ditches studying to work on her alcohol tolerance. She probably skips a lot of class and retakes courses left and right. For the partier college is much more about the experience than the grades, and she wants that experience to last as long as possible. She most likely lives on the third floor of a frat house, better known as the center of the party.
6. The Student Activist

Yes, I do support your cause. No, I don’t have any spare change. Please, I need to get to class. It’s common to have this conversation daily while hurrying through campus, so always remember, beware of the self-righteous. While money collectors are usually Greek, the student activist is a little more intense with his efforts. This kid desperately tries to make you sign his petition, and will go to any measure to do so. Put your headphones on and walk briskly through the Bell Tower without making any eye contact.
7. The Kid From The Country

Since Temple is in a large city, it naturally attracts a lot of city people, or at least people who like the city lifestyle. Philadelphia living strongly differs from that of Central Pennsylvania. This student is either afraid to take the subway or gets scared walking down the street. Don’t worry, she’ll come around. I mean, either that or transfer.
8. The Native Philadelphian

You can probably pick out this student from her accent alone. Regardless, everyone needs a native Philadelphian. Do not doubt the luxury of a friend who can navigate the subway system. Plus, you’ll never go hungry again because he knows how to find the real cheesesteak places. You’ll eventually stop being annoyed by his incessant bragging and start promoting Pat’s as the best Philly cheesesteak just as much as he does.
9. The #TempleMade Student

This student is hardcore. She eats, drinks and breathes Temple. Football games? She’s there. Pep rallies? You bet. Attending is not enough—she is decked out, head to toe, in Temple gear. We’re talking cherry and white painted faces and owls everywhere. She might be a legacy or she just really loves her school. At one point in her life, she was an Owl Ambassador or Owl Team Leader so she spouts off Temple facts when she’s off the clock. Her dream is to be the face of a Temple campaign and you better believe she will try her hardest to make that dream come true.
10. The Student Who Does Not Attend Temple

Can usually be found at parties going a little too hard and probably should just go home. That means you, kid from West Chester.