Who says you can’t be #basic every once in a while? Sometimes you just need to throw a hashtag on something, and then there are times when you need to scream “Yasss!” at the top of your lungs. Don’t be afraid to show off your occasional basicness. Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Sometimes a basic b just needs a tee.
10. Pizza, pizza, pizza

God bless America. With election season around the corner, you should know which party’s views you align yourself with. In this case, that party probably has something to do with cheese and pepperoni. They’ve definitely got my vote.
9. Cotton Candy Cat

Dis cat haz tee. “This shirt combines cats and cotton candy–what’s not to love?” said Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University senior Jordanne Pitter. “It looks like internet memes and childhood nostalgia had a baby, but in a good way.”
8. Rare AF

This lets people know what you’re about without saying a word. “I like it because of the bold text in the middle,” said Temple University sophomore Dana Crowley. “The color is just an added bonus. Definitely wearing this in the fall.” You is kind. You is smart. Most importantly, you is rare AF.
7. Squid Pro Quo

After Finding Dory’s creation of Hank the octopus, everyone is going wild for these tentacle-clad tees. “The colors work really well for this tee,” University of Maryland freshman Heidi Carter said. “The texture on the tentacles makes it look like it wants to lovingly suction cup hug your face.” Nothing says love like a snug face hug.
6. You can’t even

“’I can’t even,’ is like the modern day version of, ‘Why, I never!’” Towson University sophomore Amanda Flores said. Let everyone know that you can’t even, and leave them guessing what the heck that even means.
5. #YassQueen

Nothing says basic quite like a tee with #YASSS on it. By combining both a hashtag and a popular saying, you can achieve the ultimate level of basicness without lifting a finger. #YassssGirl #Slay
4. Abercrombie and (Basic) B*tch

When it comes to basicness, Abercrombie tees take the cake. If you go to any beach in America, I guarantee you’ll see at least five of these babies walking around. “Abercrombie tees are like mopeds in Europe or sunburnt tourists in Cancun–everywhere,” University of Maryland junior Elizabeth Glidewell said.
3. Donuts and Burgers

Nom nom nom. “Tops like these make fast food and donuts sexy in ways Homer Simpson wishes he could,” University of Tampa senior Meryl Riter said. Snag this top from Forever 21 to show off your love for d’oh-nuts.
2. #SquadUp

A basic tee that’s perfect for the whole #squad. Get matching ones for easy round up when you guys leave the party, or if you’re forming a flag football team. Whatever your purpose, this tee comes in handy when you squad up.
1. You woke up like dis

A basic b needs a #flawless tee. Ever wonder how you can both honor Beyoncé and convey your endearing laziness? Look no further. Forget Queen B–in this shirt you become Queen Tee.