Hey future me. How’s it going? Hopefully you’ve graduated from the University of Maryland and working or at least heavily job searching. Gosh, I have so many thoughts swirling in my head currently like what I am experiencing in my future years of college, what friends I am hanging out with and if I’m still riding solo (thriving single as a pringle). Showing me some signs or something significantly helps and greatly appreciated. Mainly, I have tons of questions to ask and I am so very curious about everything me, not to sound selfish or anything. How’s my life? Writing and playing softball in my free time? Taking school more or less seriously? Most importantly, stay thriving and being the ultimate girl boss (actual goals)?
I have so much more to say, so let’s just hop right into it already.

Living the 24 year old life now hopefully means graduating college is in the past and currently working towards your master’s degree in something quite impressive and helpful for your even more future endeavors presently. Alternatively, maybe working in something semi-related to your major, journalism, brings joy and some money (not trying to be a broke b—h, ya know?). Writing for a magazine or newspaper or putting yourself out there in the field investigating some big news stories. 24 years young, therefore, do not feel pressed on earning $100,000 a year or anything, but hopefully maintaining comfort, paying for your trememdous student debt and enjoying your work sticks as your goals. Alumni Terp, I am so very proud of you (technically me).
Again, I am going to be realistic, so I am assuming that saving money is striking your interest. Living in your parent’s basement and completely decking out the area and making it your own smartly aids that goal. Keep having people over, watching movies and still acting like a college kid because college students do some fun stuff in their free time (#iykyk). Although, keep saving, saving, saving. Keep an eye out for a pet-friendly apartment out of my small ass hometown and fits a few roommates (my best friends, of course) and myself.
Since you’re probably living the broke life, maybe you can’t afford living in New York quite yet but you’re definitely out of your hometown.

Now, not being far-fetched, due to the fact that my love for dogs will never die (NEVER), I am picturing raising a little pup and being the best dog-mom ever. Going through life with a dog pal by your side and loving every second of it, but just wondering (haha) is future me dating a nice guy? Love flowing through the air for you? Love life going swell? Tell me all the deets, future me. Maybe the single life allows more time to do things and adventures by yourself, alright. Are your friends walking through life’s endeavors by you? Your high school or college friends? I am hoping going out doing adventurous experiences that will last forever frequently occurs. Going out of your comfort zone and creating memories must be a priority.
Okay, I should probably do the right thing and stop talking about myself so much, so where and what are the people in my life now doing in the future? Happiness present in my family’s lives? What college did my sister decide to attend? School becoming fun for my brother (although, I know the answer is probably a no)? Rex (my dog) loving your company? My friends from high school still living in my town (like you, probably)?
I do not know the criteria specifically, but I think at 24 years old I will not be allowed to hold a position as a writer for College Magazine, but I am picturing myself still being involved in some shape or form. Supporting? Maintaining a position? Maybe picking up on your blog that took a pause for awhile (oops) strikes your time and interest. Expressing your feelings healthily by writing down your thoughts. Positive thoughts mainly, I’m hoping. Writing, even not on a big platform, brings positive feelings and evokes calming vibes, so keep on keeping on.
That might be writing about your life’s endeavors or your favorite Netflix show your bingeing (what am I watching anyways?).

Ugh, I don’t mean to sound like a broken record, but my future self should be fulfilled, happy and thriving. So partaking in what new hobbies and adventures? God leading you to the road of success and complete, overbearing happiness? Less drama, more fun times, am I right? I don’t want my years after college to be filled with boring day-to-day activities, that’s just too mainstream to be honest.
Meghan, keep on being you and loving life. Make some memories that will make funny stories one day. I cannot wait to be you one day and keep improving myself day by day. See you in a few (years).