If your girlfriend a) only wears plaid shirts, b) listens to obscure indie rock bands, c) plays the ukulele or d) all of the above, then chances are you’re dating a hipster. While she may say, “Oh, I don’t want anything for my birthday – materialistic things just don’t appeal to me” we know she’s really trying to say, “You better get me a gift and it better be a good one.” Not to worry though because as usual CM has your back. We’ve crafted this list of must-have hipster gifts for your girl.
Help your GF decorate the ultimate hipster dorm room with this tapestry:
Check out these 10 gifts your hipster girlfriend will love.
1.Record Player
This is an obvious one – if there’s one thing hipsters love it’s their vinyl records. AKA those things hanging on her wall that look like giant CDs. Might as well buy her this so she can actually put them to use. I know what you’re thinking, Weren’t iPods created so we wouldn’t have to use these things? Yes, but to your girlfriend nothing compares to the way music sounds on vinyl, so don’t argue with her and just buy it already.
2. Andy Warhol Posters
Andy who? Andy Warhol, the king of pop art and possibly one of the first hipsters ever. He’s probably your girlfriend’s favorite artist and there’s a high possibility that you’ve actually seen some of his work before, especially in the form of T-shirts, like the ones your girlfriend wears underneath her flannels. The one with all the bright colors? Yes, that one. Find her a poster of some of his most iconic pieces like his Marilyn Monroe drawings or the ones with cheesy quotes like “You have to be willing to get happy about nothing.”
3. Beers of the World Case
Obviously your girlfriend loves beer and always knows what to order when you go out to bars. “Yes, I’ll have the (insert some sophisticated sounding lager here)” Switch it up and introduce her to some new brews. These cases include a variety of different beers from around the world. It’ll be like taking a trip around the world from the comfort of her own room. Play your cards right and maybe she’ll let you have a sip.
4. Don’t Drink and Ride’ Flask
This is a perfect match for the previous gift. Drink of choice? Beer. Preferred method of transportation? Bike. Cue this cute flask with a bicycle engraved on it. Bonus: it’s in the shape of a pocket watch, which I guarantee your girlfriend will love. Now the next time she’s out partying with her friends they’ll all be totally jealous of her super cool flask. Just remember to always drive, er, ride responsibly.
5. Smoky Eye Makeup Kit
Every hipster’s go to makeup look? You guessed it—the smoky eye. Help your girlfriend stand out in the sea of neutral-toned faces with this set from Tarte, which comes with everything you need to create the perfect smoky eye. There’s nothing like sultry black shadow and winged liner to complete your girlfriend’s long-haired, flower crown look. Tip: if she asks if her liner looks even on both eyes, always say yes.
6. Vegan Cookbook
Of course your girlfriend is a vegan. I mean, what kind of evil person eats meat and animal products? Definitely not your girlfriend. So yeah, it might be hard to take her out for dinner someplace where she won’t be stuck eating a salad but that’s where this book comes in. Invite her over for dinner and prepare her one of these meals. Bonus points if the recipe you choose has kale (your girlfriend loves kale, trust me).
7. Handmade Journal
Journals are basic essentials for hipsters. I mean, where else are they supposed to write their every thought, dream or existential poem? In the notes section of their phone? Ha, you must be joking. This handmade journal says ‘Adventure Awaits’ along with some hand-drawn trees. Two of your girlfriend’s favorite things—journals and nature.
8. Hamburger Phone
Since pretty much everyone on the face of the planet uses a cell phone your girlfriend needs to set herself apart and be unique. And what’s more unique than a hamburger land line telephone? Nothing. If this seems slightly familiar it’s because it’s from Juno (one of your girlfriend’s favorite movies).
9. Buddha Jewelry Stand
Sure, you’re her favorite guy but Buddha is a close second. There’s a high possibility that your girlfriend credits all her outlooks on life to Buddha. “If it weren’t for him I never would have discovered Buddhism and the beauty of meditation. It changed my life.” Sound familiar? We thought so. This Buddha stand lends a helping hand (ha, get it?) and keeps your girl’s jewelry safe and on display.
10. Tree Growing Kit
You already know how much your girlfriend loves nature from your endless weekend hikes and the various plants she keeps in her room. Add one more to her collection with this kit that provides everything you need to grow your very own tree. Plus, in 10 to 15 years it’ll yield tulip blooms, so basically it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Looking for more? Check out 10 more Gift Ideas for Your Hipster Girlfriend To Set Her Apart From the Rest.
Written by Jessica Jordano.
11. CD of Her Favorite Band
Not many people listen to CDs, but your hipster girlfriend probably does. She can even decorate her room with them while rocking out to some tunes from the early 2000s in her car. “When I am buying gifts for people I always try to find something that will last and won’t really go out of style,” George Washington University junior Mia Dorentzio said. “Music is timeless so getting a gift that I can keep forever is really something special.”
12. Pins/Patches
You love that your hipster girlfriend proudly expresses herself through her style, Forever 21 and basic mall destinations be damned. Pins and patches give your hipster girlfriend a subtle way to add some spice to any outfit. “I also love pins and patches, because you can put them on your back pack or a jacket or anything really,” Dortenzio said. Whether she accessorizes her backpack or patches up an old denim jacket, your girlfriend will love using these pieces to add just a little color to her style. “I think pins are always really good little ways to personalize your bags/jackets/etc. and show support for you favorite causes/events/businesses,” said GW junior Isobel Moheyeddin. “I also just really love old political buttons and pins. They’re so fun to look back on!”
13. Tapestries

Tapestries can make a small dorm room feel like home. For your hipster girlfriend, go for a design that fits her personality and her interests. If she hits the field or the court while she hitting up indie record store, she might like something with her favorite sport on it. If you know her favorite vacation destination, find something that recalls those memories. Personalize your gift to her interests so that she knows you took the time to think of her.
14. Natural Skin Care Products

Most girls would flip over some new skincare products, but your hipster girlfriend will love the natural ingredients. Natural means no batch matches another like those mass-produced brands do, and like your hipster girlfriend matches no other girl. Skin care forces you to take care of your body in the midst of a hectic academic, mental and social life. And your HGF (hipster girlfriend) will appreciate you taking the time to buy natural products that are good for both her and the environment.
15. Frends Headphones
Oftentimes, your hipster girlfriend will be walking to class, shopping in the grocery store or even taking a midnight walk because she needs to clear her head. As a hipster, she takes refuge in her music. You could even pair this with another more extravagant gift for your longterm HGF. GW junior Maura Fallon said, “[Music festival] tickets are my best gift.” Get two tickets to travel with your girlfriend to see her favorite bands while still spending time with her.
16. Tarot Cards
In case you don’t know, tarot cards supposedly tell the future. Your hipster girlfriend would love to learn how to read these to have an entertaining Thursday night. After a long week she’ll appreciate the symbolic meaning behind these cards; only someone that sees a future with their HGF would get something to read that future together.
17. Coloring Book
This trend kind of died out since its birth last year. Help your hipster girlfriend do what hipsters do best: Bring back an old trend, and bring it back better than before. Bonus—your gift will help her practice self-care as well, which, let’s admit it, we all need.
18. Film Camera
Ashlyn Donohue, a junior at GW said, “I love how raw the quality is, no editing and filtering needed. Since I don’t edit, it really captures moments better than like an iPhone camera per se.” Your girlfriend has an artistic side, and she loves to embrace it and celebrate it. From her wardrobe to her dorm room, she has plenty of her creative and innovative side on display. Help her celebrate her creative side and explore a new medium to express herself.
19. Posters
Giving her something to decorate her wall with encourages her to continue to celebrate her interests and her personality with the world. Similarly to her tapestries, her posters should represent her identity, so make sure to get her something that identifies with her interests. You can also print out posters of friends, family or pictures of you and her. “I always really love having solid copies of photos from my favorite memories with a person,” said GW junior Madeleine Pye. “There are so many cool ways to frame things nowadays too! I like photos because they have a lot of meaning and are always great room décor.”
20. Flowers
Flowers may sound too conventional for your anything-but-conventional hipster girlfriend, but think outside the box like she does. Living flowers make a great addition to a desk to brighten the room and add an appealing scent. However, after a week or so, the flowers can dry up and make a great alternative decoration piece for her room. “This one is kinda strange but I really like getting flowers because you can let them dry out and then they are really pretty decorations,” said Dorenzio. So the lives of the flowers you buy will go much longer than you think.
Still searching for hipster gifts? Look no further.
Written by Phoebe Bain.
The definition of the word “hipster” changes faster than color of the organic avocado you bought yesterday (why do they ripen so fast?!). But one thing’s for sure: hipster culture started out as Liberal counterculture, and will always be that way. From the Transcendentalists to the Beatniks, hipsters have always been people who walk to the beat of their own drum (and maybe that drum happens to be vegan leather, so what?).
If you’re stumped on what to buy your hipster girlfriend this holiday season, check out our suggestions below.
If she’s even too cool for hipster gifts, click here for even more gifts.
21. Crystals to heal specific parts of her life
“Crystals would be fun if he researched and chose one which would actually be applicable to me and what I need. Such as rose quartz vs goldstone vs amethyst etc. If he chose them based on energetic meaning that would be more meaningful than if he just bought a crystal that was pretty or my favorite color,” William and Mary junior Louise Ferrall said. Hipster women have gotten really into crystals over the past few years, and I don’t blame them. I recently started keeping a sodalite crystal on my desk, as they’re supposed to promote rational thought and enhance self-esteem. Whether you’re crunchy enough to believe in crystal’s energies or not, they definitely make a thoughtful gift.
22. Magnet poetry
Story time: My high school boyfriend bought me a set of magnet poetry for my sixteenth birthday and to this day I still think that was the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever received. I was just starting out as a writer and was very interested in poetry at the time (as many of us hipster girls are at age 16). Fast forward to my freshman year of college: My friends loved coming to my room and messing with the magnet poetry on my mini fridge. Magnet poetry reads as thoughtful and fun; who could ask for more?
23. A ukulele
“I think [a ukulele] would be a good gift because it’s one of the simplest instruments to learn and it creates such a nice sound. I don’t know, I feel that it’s a gift someone can use to make good things,” Marymount University junior MC Treuting said. Every hipster gal wants to play an instrument. If she tried guitar and says her fingers feel too small or has not had the time to take lessons, a ukulele will make the perfect gift. Trust me, no self-respecting hipster woman hates Kimya Dawson.
24. Anything from St. Frankie Vintage

Trend alert: St. Frankie Vintage just might be the hippest vintage shop to date. Denver locals Lucy Sroka and Mackenna Reilly started St. Frankie this past year, and with models like Instagram famous @lilbungirl they’re gaining popularity in the Denver scene fast. For a gift equal parts quirky and intimate, buy some of their vintage embroidered underwear. Or if you’re tired of your girlfriend stealing your jackets, St. Frankie seems to have a thing for unique vintage sweaters. No matter what you end up buying, she’ll be beyond impressed at how on the pulse you are with vintage fashion trends.
25. @pollynor Art

Did someone say Instagram? Hipster women love a unique artist, so they’ll definitely be shocked when you buy them art from the Polly Nor shop, someone we’ve all followed on Instagram for years at this point. Polly Nor’s bio states, “I draw women and their demons,” and their feed bursts full of red and green confident female images (and their dark sides). Trust me. Acknowledging a woman’s less than perfect side and her Instagram feed at once will keep her around through the holidays.
26. Succulents
“I would genuinely be happy to receive a succulent as a gift because they’re beautiful and practical in the sense that they add life to your space and make it cheerful!” William and Mary sophomore Emma Brigaud said. Even if you just read that and questioned whether your girlfriend would be responsible enough to care for a plant (she burnt toast the other day, did she not?), not to worry. Succulents are actually really hard to kill (just don’t squeeze their cute little leaves too hard).
27. Organic Tampons #feminist
“Organic tampons would be lit, especially if it was clear he put in a lot of research into which organic tampons are actually the best. Bonus points if he settles for one of the brands that donates money and/or feminine products to people with vaginas in need,” Ferrall said. “Woke presents are awesome and I also love my vagina, so two birds with one stone.” If you need a way to show your girlfriend that you’re not 10 years old and afraid of periods while also playing up the fact that you’re trying your best to be a feminist, organic tampons serve as the perfect gift. Get regular sized ones just to play it safe. (regular, not basic #jokes).
28. Glossier products

Here’s the thing about hipster gals: If you can Instagram it, they will come. That’s probably why the average 2017 hipster gushes over Glossier makeup almost as much as she raves about green smoothies and yoga. The company’s social media presence looks second to none, and customers have a pastime of posting every new product they get. Buy her one of their facemasks if you’re trying to be sweet and genuine, being that makeup can be a touchy gift.
29. Semi-temporary Tattoos
Every good hipster girl has a tattoo, but some of us want a trial run before actually getting the real thing. A few friends of mine tried some semi-temporary tattoos that lasted about two weeks once. I personally had a faux pencil on my left forearm, and I got so many compliments on it that I actually debated getting the real thing for a while. Semi-temporary tattoos come in so many different themes, so get her one based on something she’s into.
The Sun and Her FlowersRemember a few months ago when the name “Rupi Kaur” kept popping up on your timeline? That’s because she wrote a really great book of poetry once, and, great news, she just came out with another one. All hipster women love to read (hot take: She’s not a real hipster otherwise), and they really love Kaur’s relatable poetry. If you come home with a copy of The Sun and Her Flowers, you’ll be the literary dreamboat that she’s been waiting for her whole life.
Here are 10 more gifts for hipsters that your girlfriend surely will love
Written by Kailah Covington
31. Space-themed Decor

When earth feels too mainstream, help your hipster girlfriend find the next out-of-this-world accessory. We know you think your girlfriend shines as bright as a star. Want to get even more bonus points as an awesome partner? Vocalize your love with a stellar space-themed tapestry. Simple yet beautiful, this tapestry makes the perfect addition to any bare wall or lounge chair. Plus, with its super soft feel and machine washable fabric, this shooting star tapestry sure to leave your GF feeling out of this world.
32. Caticorn Pouch

Like every hipster girl out there, your GF probably maintains an obsession with kittens and unicorns… though maybe not in that order. Give her a gift that reflects her passions with this simply adorable Caticorn Pouch. “It’s perfect because it literally combines my two favorite things in the world. I mean, what’s not to love?” Georgia State University sophomore Sam Reese said. After all, your lady-friend probably needs a place to store all of those obscure pins and band stickers that she’s collected for who knows how long (you love it anyway).
33. The Oregon Trail T-Shirt
Remember playing The Oregon Trail in elementary school and imagining going on a cross-country adventure to find gold? Yeah, we all do. Now, the treasure you’re searching for resembles gifts for your GF. Commemorate the world’s greatest game on a shirt for her. This Oregon Trail T-Shirt will definitely get a good laugh out of your hipster girl, all while reminiscing about the good times we’ve all experienced on the Trail. You’ll certainly strike gold with this a gift like this.
34. We Lose Ourselves Shower Curtain

The ultimate safe haven for any girl, your hipster bae included? The bathroom, without a doubt. Help her spice up her private sanctuary with this awesome shower curtain. Now, she can get just as lost in her shower thoughts as she does when binge-reading Harry Potter for the millionth time.
35. Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser
What’s that smell, you ask? Oh, just the soothing aroma of lemongrass and lavender. This aromatherapy essential oil diffuser makes the perfect gift for your hipster GF. Slowly emitting a mist laced with fragrant essential oils, this diffuser serves as your girlfriend’s ultimate relaxation ally, whether she’s practicing yoga or just taking a nap. Oil diffusers also possess many healing properties. “Some studies have shown that aromatherapy might have health benefits including relief from anxiety and depression, improved quality of life, particularly for people with chronic illnesses and improved sleep,” Mayo Medical School professor of medicine Dr. Brent Bauer said. Pair the oil diffuser with a Himalayan Salt Lamp for a truly calming experience.
36. Himalayan Salt Lamp
Wouldn’t the spa experience every day make life better? With this Himalayan Salt Lamp, that’s completely possible. This lamp can provide great health benefits, such as improved air quality and higher alertness, all while being cute and functional. The magic of a Himalayan salt lamp lies in its production of negative ions. “Generally speaking, negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain, resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness and more mental energy,” Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences Director of Research Dr. Pierce Howard said. Who knew salt could be so sweet?
37. Multi Purpose Wine Tumbler
You can’t call yourself a true adult until you’ve added a wine glasses set to your household possessions. Help your hipster GF take her first steps into adulthood. You can totally dress the tumblers up or down, making them perfect for all occasions. “Now you can feel fancy at home without paying fancy prices,” GSU sophomore Kristina Miles said. Made of double-walled stainless steel, these tumblers can keep any beverage perfectly cool—not just wine. The sleek design and vivid colors also give a bit of childlike fun to the very adult pastime of drinking.
38. Hot Girls Read Mug
Nothing says hipster like an envy-inducing coffee mug. Give your bae a cup worthy of that expensive artisan coffee she insists on drinking—we all have our vices, don’t we? Cute and clever, a mug will impress your caffeine-crazed or tea sipping girlfriend. Make sure you look for a mug that will definitely survive the dishwasher and the microwave because your boo will use it over and over.
39. All-Natural Makeup Brushes
If your girlfriend loves doing her makeup, then get her all-natural makeup brushes. Look for a set with good materials and basics like a powder foundation brush, a liquid foundation brush, an eyeshadow brush, a smudge brush and an angled eyeliner brush. You probably have no idea what any of those things are but I guarantee your GF will. And to top the cake, try to find a super cute carrying case for the on-the-go hipster.
40. Find Your Own Beet Tank

Your GF probably compulsively binge-watches The Office even though she’s already seen each season about a million times. Although you can’t understand her passion for office nerd Dwight Schrute, you can help her commemorate her reverence for the eclectic beet farmer by purchasing her this Find Your Own Beet tank top. Encompassing all the quirkiness and snark of her favorite show, this gift will blow your girlfriend’s hipster socks off.
41. Sage
What better way to ring in the New Year than by cleansing your living space? Burning sage serves to purify your surroundings, improve your mood and reduce stress and anxiety. Save your sage kit for the days where the energy surrounding you just feel off. After burning, or smudging, you feel rejuvenated and see the universe in a more positive light.
42. Decorative Lights
If your girl doesn’t own a set of string lights in her bedroom yet, use this holiday season as the perfect chance to get on that. Brighten up your girlfriend’s dorm room by hanging sparkly lights along the wall. Traditional room lighting seems too bright sometimes, so take it down a notch with cute, dim string lights. On the bright side, battery operated lights save more electricity than leaving your lamp or ceiling lights on. Prepare yourself to assist your girlfriend in hanging the lights up — this job takes two.
43. Smoke UO Exclusive Fruit Light
Sometimes the simple gifts end up meaning the most and we end up getting the most usage out of them. Help your girlfriend’s room look just as cute and quirky as she does by adding this fruity little nightlight. This way, when she gets up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night she gets to see where she’s going. Cute and convenient, anything from Urban Outfitters makes your significant other smile this holiday season.
The Astrological Grimoire BookWith this new wave of astrology interest, any girl would die to own a book for herself about the meaning behind the stars. “I’d love an astrology chart or book that explains the different types of astrological placements, like the differences between your sun sign, your rising sign, and your moon sign. It would be really cool, and it would also be super informative,” Griffin Heckler said, a freshman at the University of Florida. This book takes your horoscope a step further by diving deep into self-discovery by figuring out the reasons behind your emotions.
45. Game of Thrones Tarot Cards
Take tarot to a whole new level when you make it Game of Thrones-themed. The archetypes differ from a typical deck, but each card offers a meaningful experience. The new year looks like the perfect time to learn more about the reasonings behind yourself. With practice, your girlfriend might learn how to read your future — and the future of your relationship.
46. All Seeing Eye Bottle Opener

Boys — definitely put this one at the top of the list for your lady because it helps you out too. You get to take that gross old sports-themed beer bottle opener off your key ring and make some usage out of the pretty, patterned opening you bought your girlfriend. All-seeing eyes serve to watch over humanity, but don’t feel discouraged — the eye knows how to keep the beer-drinking a secret.
47. Paddywax Peace Lavender & Thyme Candle

Name one person who doesn’t want a candle for Christmas — I’ll wait. Candles filled with aromatherapy perfectly provide the room with light, relaxing scents and peace. This particular candle even looks like a peace sign. Heal your soul by lighting this candle before bed and sitting down with a cup of tea before diving into your new astrology book and preparing yourself for some sweet dreams.
48. Cosmic Crescent Ring

For girls who love rings, this cosmic crescent is out of this world. Beautiful and simple, your girlfriend’s hand looks polished and pretty once she slides this on her ring finger — the right ring finger, not the left one yet obviously. The pearly whiteness of the crescent matched with any outfit, so no need to worry about making a clashing fashion statement.
49. Rhinestone Septum Ring
We all know the memes. “College Student → Actual Self Care → Getting a Nose Piercing.” I vouch for this one myself. Fret not, not everyone needs to put up with the sketchy tattoo shop to accessorize their nose. For those girls who prefer not to spend the money and damage their faces, this slip-on ring does the trick. You get the edgy look without putting up the pain, and the gold rhinestones make your face look even classier.
50. Trust the Universe Wall Art

Your bedroom never reaches a point of full decorations. Don’t stop now — this bright sign serves to inspire you every morning when you open your eyes, yet it also makes you feel calm whenever you look at it. Not all quotes on wall art seem corny — some actually look cute and help tie your hipster bedroom together. The size of the canvas fits perfectly above your desk or next to your bed without taking up too much space, and the illustration of the woman with her hair flowing perfectly represents #feminism.
Still need an awesome gift to impress your hipster girlfriend?
Check out these ten Christmas presents.
Written by: Lisette Serrano
51. Flannel Shacket

Nothing says hipster quite like wearing a flannel tied on the waist. With plaid coming back as a top trend, flannels have become the number one on the must-have list. Not only will it keep you warm, but the styling options will leave you amazed. Wear a flannel and watch as your outfit becomes a hundred times better.
52. Celestial Earrings

Hipsters definitely enjoy a lovely time star-gazing with their most trusted companions by their side. Why not give a piece of the sky for them to actually wear? Your girlfriend will not only get to sport some new jewelry, but the cute design will undeniably have others asking where she got them. The earrings will compliment any outfit she chooses to wear with a little shiny flare.
53. Faux Leather Boots

A hipster can’t walk around without a pair of boots on. It’s just a fact of the matter. Your hipster girlfriend will appreciate the boots even more when she finds out it’s all cruelty free due to it being faux leather. Don’t even worry about what color boots to pick, they all look amazing anyway.
54. Skates

When quarantine first happened, learning how to skate seemed to become the number one source of entertainment around the world. Now with its unsurprising revival, get your hipster girlfriend a pair of skates to really lighten the mood. Skating can work as a great date idea when you want to go on a fun adventure. And don’t worry, everyone falls at the beginning. Practice only makes perfect!
55. Satchel Bag

Thinking of a stylish way to help your girlfriend carry around her day-to-day items along with her books? The satchel bag works as the number one solution to that problem. Hipsters are notorious for being super stylish while also having a laid-back aura to them. With the satchel, the chill, but still cute, vibes will definitely be on.
56. Incense

There’s nothing hipsters love more than the use of oils and the natural smell of the earth. Buying your hipster girlfriend some incense covers all of that ground. Incense ranges from various scents, so go crazy and let her try them all if possible. Luckily, incense comes in large packs for very low costs!
57. Vinyl Records

If you were around on Tumblr in the early 2010’s, you know how much hipsters loveeee a good vinyl record. Not only will your girlfriend get to listen to her favorite music, the aesthetic really takes the cake. Snuggle up together as you play some love songs on the fancy vinyl player and have a fun date-night inside.
58. Band T-Shirt

Along with her new vinyl records, get your girlfriend a t-shirt of her favorite band that she can now sport while she runs errands or even for bedtime. Nothing really says “I care about you” more than knowing her favorite band and giving her something comfy to wear. Hipsters love to chill to some music, so this works as the perfect chance to get her something she’ll definitely want.
59. Mood Ring

Let’s take it back to the 70’s by getting your hipster girlfriend a mood ring. The mood ring was definitely one of the coolest pieces of jewelry ever made, even if it might not actually reflect your mood. Your girlfriend will love the thought going into her cool sense of fashion while also taking it a bit old school with her gift.
60. Beanie

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a hipster not wear a beanie at least once in their lifetime. Beanies come in clutch for whatever type of weather it might be outside, making it super versatile for outfits. Plus, the knit look never goes out of style. Get your hipster girlfriend her favorite color and win the title of best gift-giver.
*Updated on June 20, 2017 by Jessica Jordano to include hipster gifts 11-20.
**Updated on November 21, 2017 by Phoebe Bain to include hipster gifts 21-30.
**Updated on March 27, 2018 by Kailah Covington to include hipster gifts 31-40.
***Updated November 27, 2019 by Kimberly Hurd to include hipster gifts 41-50.
****Updated on December 15, 2021 by Lisette Serrano to include hipster gifts 51-60.