Nowadays, any essential information for school and work lives rent free on Instagram. And if you decided not to enter that digital realm of make-believe 10 years ago, you’ll never know of anything going on and always feel out of the loop. Because God knows that people remain incapable of posting extremely important information anywhere else. St. John’s creates what seems like 27 Instagram accounts every year, and students find themselves unable to keep up. Why doesn’t a master list exist for students by now?
College magazine heard your prayers. Keep reading for the Top 10 most Important Instagram accounts for St. John’s Staten Island students to follow.
10. St. John’s Yearbook @stjohnssiyearbook

If you often miss your deadlines, you might want to give the St. John’s SI yearbook Instagram account a follow. They’ll remind seniors to send in their yearbook pictures and highlight how to upload their photos step by step. You don’t want to miss the chance of getting your baby pic in the yearbook, right?
Students hoping to pursue careers in graphic design might also consider joining the yearbook committee to get in on the action. Although St. John’s does not offer graphic design as a major, communications or advertising majors thinking about digital design could gain some valuable experience from this position. The yearbook also always scouts for new photographers, editors, layout editors, designers and other creative jobs. Plus, working on the yearbook committee will look great on your resume regardless of your major. And you can ensure that you and your friend group’s pictures get placed in the center of every page. Sounds like a win-win.
9. St. John’s Campus Ministry @stjohnssicampusministry

Being a Vincentian university, St. John’s often drives their students to volunteer and give back. The best way to get involved in community service remains through campus ministry, of course. The St. John’s SI campus ministry Instagram page remains the source for all things volunteer work and spiritual life at the university. From posting the weekly mass schedule to introducing events, talks and retreats, those looking to deepen their relationship with God should consider giving this one a follow.
“Music ministry has been a great addition to my time at St. John’s. Getting to know people well and continuing to grow my faith while doing something I love is an honor. One reason I would recommend people to get involved with campus ministry is because it is great to help and serve the community,” St. John’s University sophomore Chris Catalano said.
This semester, campus ministry created the “Sandwich Drive” initiative. This involves traveling to the Staten Island Ferry Terminal every Thursday evening to hand out sandwiches to the less fortunate. They also introduce monthly retreats and plunges for all students to take advantage of and post the weekly mass schedule (Monday through Thursday at 12:15pm) to invite students to join in the celebration.
8. St. John’s Office of Multicultural Affairs @stjohnsoma

If you desperately need a detox area after class, the doors of the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) remain open for your use. Stop by the lower level of Kelleher, in Room 136 to experience the magic of the OMA office, where events occur monthly to spread awareness about the different cultures surrounding us. One of the staples of the OMA office remains their facilitation of talks to broaden student’s understandings of nationalities differing from their own.
“The Office of Multicultural Affairs Inclusivity Resource Center is an inclusive environment for students of all ethnicities, races, religions, genders, sexual orientations, and identities. The Office offers educational forums to the student body on cultural and religious holidays, the LGBTQ+ community, social justice trainings, and many more. I encourage all students to stop by the office to learn more about us, do some homework and study for exams, or simply hang out with other students,” St. John’s University senior Matthew Kane said.
Scheduling multiple posts per day, OMA really knows how to keep their audience engaged. They also host various creative events to draw in student participation and create lovely posters to accompany their announcements. For example, they planned “paint and sip” and “eat around the world” events offering foods from different cultures to all students on campus. OMA’s satisfying Instagram page also dedicates posts to various nationalities every week, often including the cultures of certain celebrities to relate to students. Definitely worth the follow.
7. St. John’s Career Services @gethiredstjsi

Although some people might think they enrolled in college only to party, in reality they will need to start preparing themselves for a job at some point or another. Career services works to bridge the gap between student’s schooling and their careers. As many know, the search for a long-term job might seem tricky. But with the right resources, networking events and internships, the search narrows and gets easier.
Career Services works diligently to create networking events for students and encourages them to make appointments for resume and cover letter writing tips, mock interviews and other essentials to get that job or internship. They then market these events on Instagram, using images that will appeal to students across all five colleges (four on the Staten Island campus) that make up St. John’s University. Their #MotivationMonday, #WisdomWednesday and “How-to” posts and quotes also work to motivate the student population as they go through their week. The Instagram page makes sure to remind students about the upcoming events and their available resources.
6. St. John’s Concierge @stjohnssiconcierge

You may not know this, but St. John’s sells hot Broadway and sports games tickets for only $25 each month. The reason you never heard about this? Because you probably don’t follow the concierge page on Instagram.
The concierge desk, located in the campus center cafeteria, remains the place for Johnnies to purchase their tickets for all the hopping St. John’s events. If you want to go to a basketball game at Madison Square Garden, a Tip-Off game on the Queens campus, a Broadway show for an affordable price or purchase tickets for the Autumn Ball, the concierge desk will remain your bestie. Any time a new event arises, the concierge will post to remind you to get your tickets. Watch that account like a hawk, people.
5. University Writing Center @stjohnsuwritingcenter

Calling all writers! You’ll enjoy this. Ever feel like you need another pair of eyes to look over that paper you spent hours writing? Located in Mahoney room 102, The Writing Center’s got you covered. Writing consultants receive lots of training to help their clients to the best of their abilities. They help students at any stage of the writing process, including brainstorming, revising, editing or anything else. Their Instagram account highlights weekly writing tips, wisdom Wednesday quotes, meet the consultant Monday and more. They recently began their “Coffee with the Consultants” videos, in which a consultant talks about their favorite coffee recipe and discusses their writing.
“Students should use the Writing Center because it’s a really welcoming place to get feedback! I feel like it’s definitely easier to ask for help on a paper from a peer rather than from your professor sometimes. At the writing center we’re like friends who also have training,” St. John’s University sophomore Grace Garlisi said.
Clients make appointments by visiting the, creating an account and selecting a consultant to work with. Writing Center consultants also conduct research of their own to continue growing as writers, and often present at national levels. They also host write-in events to get students involved in.
4. St. John’s Fraternity Sorority Life @sjusifsl

Aspiring brothers and sisters, get ready to click that follow button. The official fraternity and sorority life (FSL) Instagram will give you the deets about Greek life on campus and will provide resources on how to get involved.
“My favorite aspect of FSL is how it’s made up of dedicated students who do great things on our campus and for our community! As the president of my sorority, I’ve had more opportunities this semester to grow closer with everyone in the community. FSL has provided me with a greater sense of belonging, and it has made me feel like I have a home away from home,” St. John’s University junior Alyssa Prata said.
Hosting various speaker events and updating students with all the necessary recruitment information, the FSL Instagram account remains a must for any aspiring Greek life member. The FSL community also participates in Greek Week at the end of the spring semester, where all the Greek organizations compete in dancing competitions for an enormous trophy. Hosting other anti-hazing and safety campaigns, students find many opportunities to get involved with Greek organizations on Staten Island.
3. St. John’s Staten Island Official Instagram Account @stjohnssi

Can a college really consider themselves an institution without making an official Instagram account? If you feel like looking at pictures of random outdoor locations on campus or want to see a recap of some of our most popular events, the official St. Johns SI Instagram will remain your go-to.
Incoming freshmen should especially keep their tabs on this account, as they often highlight important dates and information on their story. While the account often posts historical reminders about St. John’s throughout the years, they also include images of current students and locations on campus for incoming students to visit.
2. Student Government Inc @sgi_si

If you want to involve yourself more on campus, SGI remains the way to go. When following the SGI Staten Island account, a world of opportunities to get involved will come your way. SGI constantly posts engaging events for the student population to enjoy, including a recent Halloween party or commuter fest.
“Working with SGI is one of the highlights of my college career. Every member of SGI displays a dedication to the campus and the student body. As a School of Education Senator, I have done my best to make the EDU student’s voices heard and have planned a resource building event for them this month,” St. John’s University junior James Imperatrice said.
SGI also works closely with each organization and club at St. John’s by actively promoting their events and posting about how to join in on the fun. They even hosted a Beans & Leaves waffle bar last month, in which students grabbed some free waffles to soothe their tastebuds before class. To keep up with the free food opportunities, the SGI account certainly has earned your follow.
1. St. John’s Campus Activities @stjohnsnowsi

To dabble into even more events, St. John’s Now SI practically lays everything out for you on a platter. You can find most on-campus activities posted on the Instagram account. Some include different club and organization events, shows available for purchase at the concierge, monthly schedules of events hosted by student life and much more.
Some of the monthly events student life hosts include drive in movies, movies on the great lawn and seasonal events to get students in the mood for the fall, winter or spring. During the fall semester they host pumpkin painting events and Christmas tree lightings, while in the spring they host many Easter and outdoor painting events. They recently hosted Spirit night and family day, in which the student body gathers to compete in games and bring their families to campus. In order to know anything about anything on the St. John’s Staten Island campus, students simply must follow this account.
Didn’t find everything you were looking for? You will find the honorable mentions below.

Theta Phi Alpha @thetaphigammapi
Phi Eta Chi @phietachi_
Kappa Beta Gamma @kbg_sju
Gamma Eta @gammaetasju
Kappa Sigma @kappasigma_sju
Iota Alpha Sigma @iota_alpha_sigma_knights
Alpha Phi Delta @apdgammasigma
Clubs & Organizations
Spectrum @si.spectrum
English Club @englishclubstj
College Magazine @collegemagazinestjohns
The Bolt Productions @thebolt.sju
Beta Alpha Psi – @bap_sjusi
Forever Friends @foreverfriends_stj
Oxfam @oxfamamericastj
St. Vincent De Paul Society – @stjsvdp_si
Women in Business @stjwib_si
St. John’s Muslim Students Association @stjmsa
Black Student Union
National Society of Leadership and Success @nsls_si
Italian Club@italian_club_stj
Omicron Delta Kappa @odk_sju_si
Psychology Club @psychclubsjusi
Freshman Center @sjufreshmancenter
Wellness Center @stjohnswellness