Best friends are like the chocolate frosting to the vanilla cake we call life. Who else can you count on for a celebratory run to midnight cookies when you ace your Chem exam? Only your BFFL will join you on a 30-day kale cleanse once you realize you’ve gained the Freshman 15. One small problem: You need to actually find a best friend for life. This is your person, the one who will stand next to you at your wedding, and in the meantime, join you on a bathroom floor while you revisit those six shots of tequila. As it turns out, your college campus is the ideal spot to find the Tina Fey to your Amy Poehler.
10. Michigan State University

Just like sprinkles, the BFFL options feel endless at Michigan State. With 700 student orgs, whether you want to hang out with the hammocking club (pun intended) or horse around with the Pre-Veterinary Medical Association (same), the odds are ever in your favor to find your future home slice. Because pizza is always the answer to life’s questions, bond over a homemade pie with your new squad in the Culinary Student Union. By joining different clubs, you’ll meet BFFLs hopefuls all across campus from the MSU ice arena to the golf course to the Spartan Stadium. Who knows, that guy slathered in green and white paint may be looking for his die-hard-fan other half.
9. Pennsylvania State University

Penn State throws just about every event imaginable beyond the basic fraternity house stoplight party. Homecoming week alone involves a massive parade of all the different clubs and the marching band. And the annual Movin’ On Festival attracts famous artists–Big Sean and Passion Pit headlined recently–for a free concert. Amongst all these crowd-drawing activities, you’ll meet so many new friends and possible BFFL candidates. There’s never an excuse to hang out alone when there’s LightNight, a night of movies like The Martian and games on Thursdays or Fridays. “They are actually really good events and really great for people who might not be into parties or that social scene,” freshman Jessica Raskin said. “As long as you are willing to put yourself out there, you can definitely make good friends.”
8. University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida has the largest student body population in Florida. You’re bound to find your future bestie in Orlando, home to magical meet-cutes. “It’s the best school to find lifelong friends because you’re able to encounter so many people,” senior Ophelia Cheung said. The annual UCF Book Festival is a signature event where aspiring student writers attend workshops and get tips from professionals in the field. The event caters to students’ individual interests while fostering an environment where students can meet up with people who share similar tastes in books, music or anything else. Who knows you may find your Hermione to your Harry. Now you and your BFFL can share a magical trip to Disney World.
7. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

UNC Chapel Hill is a prime location for meeting your BFFL. Local restaurants like Al’s Burger Shack, Lantern and Talullas are just a short walk away from campus and are prime locations to bond with your soon-to-be best friend. “Franklin Street, which is across from our campus, has every type of restaurant you can think of and we go there all the time to eat. Due to all that there is to do in Chapel Hill, I’ve made some of my best memories with the friends I’ve met here and I’ve grown so close to them in the process,” sophomore Niki Wasserman said. You and your best buddy can hang out at the on-campus Ackland Art Museum or indulge your passion for basketball while watching one of the greatest rivalries in sports as the Tar Heels take on the rival Duke Blue Devils in the Dean Smith Center each year.
6. University of Florida

The University of Florida students love to get involved. With more than 1,000 registered student organizations, including clubs, sports and Greek life and different niches from the Black Student Union to the Circle K International, you’ll not only find somewhere to call home, but also find BFFLs you’ll call family. While you’re dipping into a large pool of peeps with similar interests, you’ll cheer alongside your fellow Gators at the annual Homecoming weekend Gator Growl, the largest student-run pep rally in the world. With high energy and events galore, BFFL opportunities happen every day. “There’s parties everywhere,” junior Teddy Li said. “I think it’s easier to make friends here because by going to parties you discover new people and you have conversations with others and get to know them.”
5. University of California, Berkeley

UC Berkeley is home to so much bestie material that you’ll find a BFFL easier than accidentally purposefully binging Game of Thrones. Berkeley is famous as a college town, showcasing art, film, music and political activity. Just ask your BFFL if she’s checked out the book readings at local wine bars. The school is just a short drive away from the beautiful San Francisco bay, where you can spend evenings taking cute pics at the Golden Gate Bridge. “The school is so big that there’s always something to do and there’s great social interaction,” junior Daniel Kim said. “The students are typically super passionate about something in their major, field or in their interests, and that’s what knits them tightly together. Berkeley is one of the best schools to make lifelong friends.”
4. Boston University

Boston University is considered one of the top universities with the most student community service engagement, as well as involvement-perfect if you’re looking for a friend with the same passions. Community events such as the annual Boston Calling music festival, where artists like Hozier have performed, and guest speakers on campus, such as Retta from Parks and Recreation, prove there’s always an event going on for you to get out and meet new people. “I believe that you can make lifelong friends at any school, but Boston University is awesome if you’re willing to put in the effort to meet people with similar interests and in different groups that they provide opportunities for,” freshman Jami Rubin said.
3. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Looking for a best friend is effortless at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Its availability of hangout spots is endless, like the ferris wheel at Ella’s Deli or the Tornado Room for late night burgers and steak. You’re in luck if you’re looking to find a BFFL here, especially during Halloween at the annual Freakfest music festival where spooky performances and a killer costume contest rule the school. Students on campus are also among the most politically active in the United States, dating back to their activism protesting the Vietnam War in the 60s. Looking for a best friend with a passion for politics? You’re in luck.
2. University of Pennsylvania

If you’re at the University of Pennsylvania, you’ll surely find a BFFL in no time. “Everyone is involved in something and it’s crazy that people have already found their niches after just a couple of months,” freshman Jessica England said. “Just looking at my dormmates, I have friends in the orchestra, an electric car racing team, an acapella group, club squash, a performing arts group, a church group and some people even created a podcast.” Philly is home to the nation’s oldest opera house, oldest theater, oldest artist’s club and the historically famous Liberty Bell. With so much history around you, why not create some historical moments in your friendship too?
1. Arizona State University

Arizona State University seems to have all of the perfect factors to find your best friend for life. As the university with the highest enrollment rate in the United States, this campus currently hosts 83,301 students from 150 different countries. In a recent survey, 72% of polled Sun Devils said that they made new friends within the first week of being on campus. The university has more than 1,100 clubs, including Dumbledore’s Army, based off the Harry Potter book series, and the Knights of Canterlot, an organization that promotes the friendship, love and equality taught in the children’s television show My Little Pony. Once you have found that special someone you call your best friend, whether you find them at a frat party or at club about bronies, make sure to stop by the Coldstone Creamery headquarters to celebrate your friendship over a scoop of birthday cake ice cream.
Edited by Rachel Mann