As much as we all hate to admit it, we use social media as a key source for information. Why would we wait to hear about the latest idiotic Donald Trump comment on the nightly news when it’s already trending on Twitter? As a student, we need a quick refresh to tell us what we need to know. At FSU, certain Twitter pages are around to help you navigate your way around good old Tallanasty.
1. The Eggplant: @eggplantFSU

As an avid Onion reader, this account is gold. There’s no better follow-up to the news than to have it ruthlessly mocked. The Eggplant provides daily satire for all you sarcastic Seminoles. Not many know we have our own personal Onion, but it’s on Twitter and ready to give you a quick laugh between finals.
2. Madison Social: @MadisonSocial

Whether you like food, alcohol, trivia or t-shirts, Madison Social gives you all the latest updates on the most important activities in a Seminole’s life. If you wake up late on a Sunday morning craving a mimosa, you’re going to MadSo. Their Twitter displays glorious pictures of their brunch specials and usual hangover food, and lets you know of other drinking challenges for the next weekend. Your weekend plans will always be set with Madison Social on your timeline.
3. @Noles247

Being a Seminole pretty much makes you a sports fan by default. Every hour on the hour you’ll have FSU scores and more filling your notifications. No sifting through ESPN articles and no required subscription from the Tallahassee Democrat. All you need is football, football and more football.
4. FSU Campus Rec: @FSUCampusRec

Some people (myself included) need someone to guilt them into lacing up their Nike’s. As you sit on your butt refreshing Twitter for the fourth time, Campus Rec will eventually pop up to remind you that the gym still exists and you should still go there. It’ll also remind you of all the awesome perks that await, including a sauna and hot tub. Even if you don’t care about the gains, they let you know about future nutrition classes or school organized camping trips.
5. FSU Transportation: @FSUParking

If you’ve ever had to utter the words, “WHY IS HALF OF THE GARAGE BLOCKED OFF?” then you should’ve followed this account three semesters ago. The entire campus holds the title of transportationally challenged, and this is your guide to making it through the mess. You’ll know when part of your fav parking garage is reserved for events, as well as any changes to the bus routes.
6. FSU Weather: @FSUWeather

If there’s anything more unpredictable than the parking, it’s the weather. FSU Weather is a student run T.V. show that recognizes the fact that most students check their Twitter in the morning rather than the forecast. Now we Seminoles can kill two birds with one stone. You’ll never leave your house without a raincoat in the middle of a tornado again.
7. Cascades Park: @Cascades_Park

If you need weekend plans but also a break from the bar, there are always festivities filling the brand new park. The amphitheater and scenic artificial waterfall are home to concerts, festivals and fundraisers. The best part about the Twitter? It answers the most important question: Whether or not there will be free food. Enjoy a night out that doesn’t include Bulls or The Strip.
8. FSView: @FSView

Yes, it’s that newspaper you see lurking in dispensers outside our multiple Starbucks locations. Since I doubt many have you have picked up a physical copy, all the latest can be found on their Twitter. You no longer have to feel guilty that you had absolutely no idea we had a Center for Global Engagement that raises awareness about problems in foreign countries. Picking up your phone is just like picking up the paper.
9. Opening Nights: @OpeningNights

Millennials have a bad reputation for caring about social media more than culture, but we’re just efficient enough to combine the two. Opening Nights showcases all the Symphonies and Flash Dances that are taking place right outside your dorm. That’s right: Our civic center is good for more than just extra parking. No more excuses that you had no clue we hosted Broadway shows.
10. The Brass Tap – Tally: @BrassTapTLH

One picture of the crisp craft beer waiting for you after your paper is enough to get you through. Beer and trivia are their specialties. With their Twitter updates you’ll know whether to prepare for Harry Potter or Disney trivia (like you’ll need to do much refreshing on either). You’ll also notice our most popular bars have come together for a pub crawl for charity, as well as a Toys for Tots fundraiser. Without their Twitter, you’d never know they host charities along with providing delicious alcohol.