Come on gators, get up and GO! Time to get a move on and get up on your feet. With the holidays coming up, you know what that means–feasting season. I know my fellow Gators out there love chomping down on a nice turkey dinner, but our bodies don’t magically turn chocolate into nutrients like when we were children. As old age has approaches us, in order to stay in shape you need to… *cringe* exercise. Secretly, you just want to stay in bed with your bag of Hershey’s. However, after talking to some healthy gators on campus, College Magazine found the top 10 workout spots on the UF campus.
For the Socializers
If you love being in a social environment and constantly meeting new people, these places on campus might be the best spots for you.
1. Southwest Recreation Center

The biggest gym on campus goes to, drumroll, please…Southwest Recreation Center. In this two-story building, basketball and racquetball courts serve as great places to practice your skills. You can even play Indoor soccer. “Southwest has the most machines, making it easier to hit different muscles that you wouldn’t be able to at smaller gyms,” University of Florida freshman Cole Stavisky said. The first floor includes cardio and weights, while the second floor also has cardio and a 1/9 mile indoor track. Feeling a little sore? Get a massage. Don’t know how to work out because you get your steps in by walking to the fridge? Get a personal trainer. Need a little fruit to boost your energy? Get a smoothie. Many of these activities may come with an additional purchase. There are three different membership levels, but the free one applies to every University of Florida student. Now, why are you still reading this article? Get up and head to the gym!
2. Student Recreation and Fitness Center

If convenience concerns you, you can’t find a better gym than the Student Recreation and Fitness Center. Located right in the center of campus, ironically next to a food court, students easily access this gym. Southwest might stand a little far from campus, so classes could get in the way. Instead, head over to the baby Southwest! With two floors, the top-level serves as the prime location for fitness classes. “I like working out at Student Rec because it’s always in a convenient location. It’s also where my cheer team practices.” University of Florida freshman Kendall Paige said. However, nothing beats that beautiful view as you run on the treadmill. It feels as if you float above campus. On the bottom floor, you find a basketball court, training rooms and five racquetball courts. So, get up and give the baby gym some love.
3. O’Connell Center Weight Room

Many call this one, “Home of the Frat Boys”. This gym dedicated itself to the life of lifting. Working out here, you get to build on history. Literally, the gym provides athletes a home. Gymnastics, basketball, swimming, volleyball, and track created Gator history for years with their honorable trophies. Kinda cool working out in the white dome of inspiration, right? So, the real question, do you even lift, bro?
4. Fields

Flavet field, Hume field, Lake Alice field, Lake Wauburg field, Maguire field, Norman field, etc. Fields, fields and more fields. The University of Florida has a huge selection of fields to choose from. Gather a group of friends and play soccer or backyard football. “I love Norman field. I play frisbee with friends because it’s chill and close by at a good location.” University of Florida sophomore Jenna Robbins said. Norman field definitely fits the most popular list, especially because non-University of Florida students play there, too. Whether looking to meet people for a ball game or just set out blankets for a picnic, any of these fields do the trick. Additionally, all the fields allow dogs! Now your best friend always sits by your side while you work out.
5. Sports Clubs

Here at the University of Florida, we represent the inspired, motivated, passionate and challengers. We work as a team to reach success. Sometimes, we like to release over a simple game of kickball. At UF, the campus supplies multiple club sports. Joining a sports club keeps you committed and determined. You get the chance to pursue your childhood games or new interests. With over 40 clubs, UF has a selection of sports organizations to choose from ranging from archery, bowling, fencing and sailing. Don’t worry, UF doesn’t forget about the Harry Potter fans. Students even play a good game of Quidditch!
For the Independent Builders
For the people who focus on their inner self and concentrate on their mindfulness, UF provides just the right spots.
1. Ben Hill Griffin Stadium

Let the Gator Growl…while running stadiums at the University of Florida. This tradition inspires Gators to bleed more orange and blue. At the stadium, you run with victory surrounding you. Everywhere you look, motivation pushes you to keep going. As you climb the bleachers at the Swamp, home to thousands of students, you climb the stepping stones in your life. You have no time to be lazy here. Tim Tebow stands right outside waiting.
2. Pools

Time to take a dip and refresh. Florida gets pretty steamy sometimes. Thankfully, the University of Florida supplies us with multiple pools around campus. In addition to these facilities, UF celebrates the amazing swimmers who represent the school. You find the pools the team trains at around these campus locations: Broward, Graham, Florida Pool and O’Connell Center. Make sure you bring your sunscreen or tanning lotion, as each pool sits in the sun. Students prefer the Florida Pool due to the extra-long swim route with a little extra spirit. Don’t forget your Gator One Card!
3. Plaza of the Americas

Take a few steps down the road from Turlington and you arrive at the Plaza of the Americas. Whether you just want to chill in a hammock or actually workout, I find it a great place for yoga. The open and peaceful field creates the perfect atmosphere for yoga while people study and relax around you. Students love to sit here for a picnic between classes or enjoy a nice snack after a workout. Now roll out a mat and start your downward.
4. Lake Wauburg

Time to explore and discover your adventurous side at the perfect place to become one with nature. Bring a few friends or even just come alone. The Park provides plenty of activities. If you want to soar through the sea and look for the hidden gold, rent a boat. If you want to climb the mountains, a rock climbing wall stands to train your needs. With friends, you can play soccer or volleyball. For the riskier children out there, take a ride through the mountain biking trails. Also, if you want to be a monkey sometimes and swing through the trees, come to Lake Walberg where a challenging rope course awaits. Grab some friends and go start your adventure.
5. Running Through Turlington

Like the runner’s high, but you hate running in place? Run through Turlington for the best solution. You get to explore the beautiful campus while burning calories. If you need a break for water, many food places such as The Hub basically cover the campus. You can’t stand anywhere without seeing a food stop. Turlington also creates a very safe environment because you stay on campus. The paths and walkways make it easy to develop a run route to track your miles.