You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. The 21st birthday dragon has come to rear its fiery head, and his next target is you. So how does one celebrate this age-old day of drunken debauchery? Think about it. Your #squad is hotter than the Kardashians and your sign is a glittery cardboard cutout of Channing Tatum’s abs. Don’t sacrifice this oh-so-special day to tradition. Instead, spice up your evening shocker-style and try these top 21 dares for your barely-legal extravaganza.
This 21st birthday checklist will make your big night the adventure of a lifetime.
21. Pull a #ThrowitBack

Best done at a Karaoke bar. Take a shot every time someone goes old-school Brittany Spears at the mic. Bonus shots if you and your BFFs can still sing in sync to N-Sync after that last Mai Thai.
20. Drunk Jenga (or Drunga, if You Will)

Good for home parties. The person who knocks down the tower has to down their drink.
19. Head a Conga Line

This needs no further explanation.
18. “Just Do It”

For the fitness masochist in your life. Take a shot. Then take a lap. Repeat until comatose.
17. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen

Take a night off. Because it’s not all about you.
16. Chopped

Fight to the death in a no-holds-barred-hangover-food-cooking match. Like Epic Meal Time but with more bourbon. You judge and the loser downs his or her drink (Bonus: You’ll have a ton of leftovers for the next day).
15. The Buzzfeed Try Guys Challenge

Grab your three closest buds and ask random bar-goers for dare ideas. Complete the first one you all agree on.
14. Selfie with Your Uber Driver

He totally won’t be expecting it.
13. The Fireball Challenge (Adult Version)

Do you like cinnamon more than any sane human should? Try this cap on for size. Take six Fireball shots. Three without the candy and three with. Or all six if you’re real.
12. Long Island Surprise

Great bar game: Order three iced teas (two virgin), switch them around and have the birthday girl try to identify the spiked one. If she chooses correctly, she gets to pick any member of the party to chug. If not, the birthday girl has to.
11. Magic Mike

Find a guy named Mike. Dance with him. Lie to your kids about how you met.
10. Yodel in a Crowded Bar

Do it for the Vine. Or that guy who may or may not be your ex. Regardless, put on a show. Like Beyonce, you’re flawless. #Werkbitch.
9. Dance on a Table

This is the one day a year you get to be a cliché.
8. The Liz Lemon Challenge

Yes to staying in more. Eat cheese and be in bed by ten.
7. Social Media Blackout

Resist the urge to Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or otherwise document the night ahead in any way.
6. The Kylo Ren Challenge

Murder the most beloved renegade smooth–talker in cinematic history.
5. No-Hands Shot

Firmly grasp it in your jaw.
4. The Drake

Find the nearest guy in Timberlands. Tell him it’s okay to cry.
3. Oscar Night

Take a shot for every celebrity look-a-like you come across. Notice as the night goes on, more and more people start looking like Zack Galifianakis. Most commonly referred to as the “Galifianakis Effect,” the increase in magnitude of the alcohol consumed is directly proportional to the increase in weird shit occurring by coincidence.
2. Food Fight

Get a hottie to cake you.
1. “Say No More”

Don a wig the whole night. Or actually cut your hair (recommended before the drinking begins).
You’ll need a trendy tee to get through that 21st birthday checklist.
College Magazine does not support underage drinking. Please drink responsibly.