Ready to discover yourself? Begin by figuring out what you like. Student involvement is a great way to discover personal passions and interests. Luckily, at Indiana University, the options to get involved never end. First, start by thinking about what you’re looking to gain from involvement. Leadership skills? Community Service? Friends? Physical Activity? Create a list of what you want to help guide you. This will help your mind to explore the opportunities given as a part of campus life. Say hello, to your resume booster
Here’s 10 ways to get involved at Indiana University.
1. Dance Marathon
Hoosier’s take Dance Marathon to a whole new level. In 2018, Indiana students raised over $4,000,000 for the kids of Riley’s Children’s Hospital. Who wouldn’t want to help support such a wonderful cause? Students raise the funds from “canning,” a process of asking for funds in various places of the community, creating go fund me accounts, calling alumni and of course the 36-hour dance itself. Many credit IUDM as the highlight of their time at IU.
2. Major-related Organizations

To get your dream job in your field, you need experience in it. No matter the major or career interest, Indiana offers plenty of organizations that will get you one step closer. RSO, for example, is a fashion-based organization that helps its members achieve career dreams by bringing in speakers, creating field trips, putting together internship round tables and hosting recruiters. Plus you’ll get to network with other students in your field. Major friends can help each other out with internship applications or even study abroad together.
3. Greek Life
Every sorority or fraternity has its own traits and values. But the core design of each is a live-in network system of friends that will be there for you to bond and grow with during your college years. Opportunities to gain leadership experience are also given to those that want to apply for council positions. Or get events and marketing experience through recruitment activities. Greek life can help you out post-college as well by connecting with those who are a part of the same affiliated organization.
4. Religious Groups

Don’t lose your faith in college. Jewish? Christian? Muslim? No matter the religious background, Indiana offers a chance to be a part of faith-centralized groups. These groups help students who want to continue religious involvement in college and help to make friends with the same background. Religious groups may meet a couple times a week and offer services catered to that religion.
5. Intramurals
Goodbye, freshman 15! If you loved a sport of high school and don’t want to stop playing it, join an intramural. Intramurals let you play the sport you loved in high school worrying about the super competitive agenda of being a Big 10 athlete. Plus you’ll make friends along the way.
6. Student publications

Start building your writing portfolio by joining student media organizations. The IDS and We are IU are just a few of the places to start building on tangible writing skills. These publications teach the importance of deadlines, fact-checking, editing and using web writing software like WordPress. Even if you are not a journalism major, you’ll need killer writing skills in any field.
7. Foreign language clubs

Indiana offers classes in over 60 languages to learn, interpret and practice. Many degree programs require a language anyway so why not join a foreign-language-focused club that could help you make better grades in classes? Plus, you’ll feel more confident communicating if you study abroad. These clubs help you to not only learn the language but also the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.
8. Singing groups
Can you sing like Ariana Grande? Or have you been in a choir since grade school? Continue your love of singing by auditioning for one of Indiana’s well-known choral groups like The Singing Hoosiers or an acapella groups. No singing experience? No Worries. Sign up for the all-campus choir where the only requirement is to show up to rehearsal.
9. The Marching Hundred
Continue your love for the marching band at IU by trying out for IU’s Marching Hundred. It offers a chance to continue playing an instrument while creating music for an audience at football games and more. One of the best reasons to join is the genuine love of school spirit these performers bring to athletic events.
10. Be Involved
The list of clubs, activities, events, sports, and organizations is vast at Indiana University. Be Involved is the perfect resource to find exactly what you are looking for in your college years. Remember college is short, pursue your passions, find your niche and discover what means the most to you. Go outside your comfort zone and try something totally new. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, create your own organization.