In 2019, we find fewer and fewer careers that force us to sit behind a desk in an office. In every field, people commonly work from home on their laptops or their phones. With the relevance of social media constantly growing, the challenges of communication disappear. Who do we thank for that? The people on our screens. We don’t realize how most posts we see evolved from a content creator.
And that makes everyone wonder: what do these people do and why am I so inclined to click on these ads and links that keep popping up?
In a world of digital publishing, we need people to actually work in the media.
Basically, a content creator does exactly what the job title establishes: creates content. They serve to put information out into the media; mostly in the digital form as we slowly fade away from print. Creators contribute to multiple platforms, mainly blog posts, newsletters, graphic design and video editing. This position comes out of the marketing field.
Content creators work from any location. Updates happen as frequently or infrequently as you want. “I am a multitasking mom, running from preschool to play-dates in between working from home for a tech company. Between my role of motherhood and a career I felt like I was losing my identity. I needed to find an outlet that boosted my self-confidence and allowed room for creativity. I am naturally an over-sharer so the decision to become a blogger and content creator was easy,” Kristy Konicke said, creator of Whether you post from your house, the bus or Europe, you make your own hours and get to work on your own schedule.
If this career seems enticing to you, first pick your specialty.
You can create content for a company, organization or just your personal brand. Decide what interests you or where your skills fall and roll with it. “Success comes from staying in your own lane. Every person has their own voice and opinions that will attract a different audience. I recommend picking a niche (or 2) and sticking to it so your followers will know what to expect from you,” Konicke said. Once you choose your area of expertise, you start to develop a theme for your work. Posting for social media may seem easy, but an intense amount of thought goes into what you craft. He or she caters the post to a specific audience and organizes the content in an informative and entertaining way. When an ad pops up on your screen, what makes you click on it? Content creators work behind it all.
Next, you must decide what separates you from others you compete with.
You work to establish your own voice; something that makes your content original and unique. “It’s important to remember that everyone has something special about them, including you! Instead of thinking, “How can I be better than my competition?”. Think: “How can I be the best version of myself?” Youtuber Erin Yvette said. You want your audience to distinguish you. It takes a very creative person to do this job well. In order for an image or video to be ready for sharing, you must develop, edit and manage the piece. Think to yourself: Who am I trying to reach? How will this post get the maximum amount of shares? Will I be overwhelming or underwhelming my audience?
The secret to this career? Planning. Every idea gets thoroughly researched before posting. You decide the best date and time to share, who should get tagged and what media supplements the writing. You work closely with executives for the company/business you work for and take their ideas, then turn them into quality content. What starts as a “like” on a post evolves into a new client. If your service lacks a media presence, you allow other companies to get ahead.
What makes your brand stick out over someone else?
With the number of influencers expanding, you must keep your individuality. “Create your own lane and own it! People gravitate to authenticity and unique content. Instead of hopping on viral trends, aim to create your own. People are more likely to remember you for something you did to stand out, versus something you did to fit in. I would also say, build a solid connection with your audience,” Yvette said. Fight the urge to follow the status quo. You struggle to succeed if you allow yourself to copy something that’s already popular.
Many companies are searching for content creators due to the change in the marketing industry. Companies used to hire interns to run their Facebook pages, but now more these sites require professionalism. Your whole brand gets evaluated by the way you represent yourself on each platform, so experienced writers and media analysts typically run these pages now. Content comes to us in all forms, and we don’t comprehend the relevance it has in our daily lives. If this career interests you, go ahead and get started. Go through your personal social media accounts and decide what message you want to send to your followers. Begin altering your posts to a specific group of people, whether that be shoppers, employers or fellow college students. Once you pick a theme, you establish yourself in the online world.