So the jet lag has worn off and now I’m simply back to my own terrible schedule of working until at least 3am. Am I alone in the fact that all the best ideas happen between 1am and 3am? (And in the shower.)
I should probably be taking the advice from our own articles on sleep cycles. But let’s get realistic here: if College Magazine is going to reach the 18 million college students in The States, then spending my best thinking hours sleeping is not going to get the job done. I guess that’s just one downfall of being an entrepreneur—you put the business before yourself. (My fellow entrepreneurs, sound familiar?) The business is your baby.
So if you’re thinking of starting a business, beware:
1. Sleep– Forget it. Cue the bags under your eyes (which my roommate recently complimented me on).
2. Social life– Sure, as long as your outings are spur of the moment when you can squeeze in some extra time. Plans in advance are pushing your luck.
3. Shopping– As if!
4. Sanity– Let’s just say lack of sanity and lack of sleep go hand in hand. Not to mention, sanity could be a disadvantage to running a business; sane people take fewer risks.
So, would I give up the thrill of running my own business for all these things? Never. Being an entrepreneur is the greatest rollercoaster there is. It’s a learning and personal growth experience, a true test of what you can accomplish when you’re passionate about an idea.
As a compromise for the mag and my health, my goal these next few weeks is to get to bed by 1:45am. Think I can do it?